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ponedjeljak, 15. ožujka 2010.

Threatening the collapse of world financial and banking system.

Threatening the collapse of world financial and banking system.
Only these recession is not touched, although there is approaching, slowly but surely ....

That the bank destroyed the entire financial system in the world, all of them finally began to understand. Let's look at only Greece, Spain, Croatia, Italy. .. The situation is very alarming and disturbing, I mean just that and no more time for rescue. The whole here World economy is in crisis.

In fact banks are involved in your network of business activities and all the pores of the economy. Businesses and citizens promised prosperity, persuading them to their "products" that the first, striking look attractive, and who would resist their bid. Thus began spending beyond their capabilities,

Kreu the debt, banks have given you the right and what they allow civil legal system to ensure maximum protection are issued equity, money and securities, and with it also increased its interest and other fees and costs to their customers. Such to dictateing pace and this situation simply can not stand on global economic level nor at the micro level. Appears actually happens,   

it is important to say "domino effect" of lack of money and drop coverage obligations. The most frightful and the worst in the whole story, go natural persons, legal, and the rest of mortals, who have concluded an agreement with banks. But even banks do not write very well.

They now are still good, because they are cash-filled accumulated capital which they supply by using unscrupulous business policies and hunt citizens, business subjects and other financial sources and resources that might have good use and doboti. Certainly expected to be large and the fall of Euro, the graph on the table and varies slowly moving descending path. 

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