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petak, 30. travnja 2010.

Nemani i Čudovišta iz rijeke Drave

Čudovišta ili nemani u Dravi? Intrigantno je to pitanje, na koje se još uvijek čeka odgovor. A tko ih je uopće i vidio? O nemanima ili čudovištima koji žive i obitavaju u rijeci Dravi, dugo se priča. Usputni prolaznici i oni koji često obilaze i šeću obalom Drave, potvrdili su našu sumnju. Nisam to nikako mogla shvatiti da postoje dravska čudovišta ili Nemani na dnu korita rijeke Drave. Uvijek mi takve misli izazivaju strahopoštovanje prema divljini, te mi daju osjećaj straha i nelagode kada se približim rijeci Dravi.

 Vjerujem da Drava skriva mnoge tajne. Prijatelj mi je rekao da, kada padne vodostaj čudovišta ostaju na suhom ili drugim riječima, ostaju u plićacima, pa svako malo moraju hvatati zrak te izranjaju iz vode, tako ih se može vidjeti. Krenuli smo jedne nedjelje, moj brat, ja i neki njegovi prijateljii u pravi pustolov po rijeci Dravi. Pomislila sam kako ćemo sresti neka čudovišta i doživjeti nešto još nedoživljeno! Dovezli smo se autima do obale Drave, upakirali smo stvari u čamac koji je bio usidren uz obalu rukavca, te se otisnuli na drugu obalu Drave. Prvo kada sam stupila nogom u čamac, morala sam popiti malo 'vatrene vode' kako bi dobila hrabrosti za neobičnu vožnju. Misleći što se mora nije teško. Rekoše mi 'dravski vukovi' da je to pravilo.
Vožnja čamcem baš i nije bila fascinantna, ali je bila uzbudljiva. Bilo je dosta turbolencija iznad vode. Stane, prijatelj od mog brata dodao je pogonski motor koji je priključio na čamac, kako ne bi trebao veslati i kako bi bili što brži. Planirali smo napraviti ručak odnosno roštilj na dravskom sprudu. Prilikom vožnje u čamcu, moram priznati bilo me strah, tako da sam se nekoliko puta vidjela u vodi kako plivam, te sam za svaki slučaj umočila ruku u Dravu kako bi provjerila temperaturu vode, da se uvjerim kako nije hladna.
 To su bili samo moji strahovi i priviđanja, radi turbolencija koje su ozbiljno zaljuljale čamac svaki puta kada bi motor zapeo u panj. Nije bilo baš ugodno, ali se dalo naviknuti na novu situaciju. Možda se i ne bi izvrnuli, jer motor koji je bio instaliran za čamac ima neku prilagodbu ako zahvati neki panj ili nešto slično. To se dešavalo radi niskoga vodostaja. Sada sam i ja nešto naučila kao prava dravska vučica. Stane-opaki friend veli, kako se čamcem mora upravljati veslima i da je to najsigurnije, ako je niski vodostaj u plićacima dravskih meandara, kojima je okružena Drava. Moram priznati da mi je dobro došla 'vatrena voda', koja me je spasila od nelagode i straha.

Konačno smo se otisnuli na pravu Maticu i jurnuli dubokom, brzom i mirišljavom rijekom dravom, birajući si najljepši sprud, gdje ćemo privezati naš čamac- Piranu (tako mu je ime), za obalu. Napokon sam ugledala dno i lijepo oblikovano kamenje sa pokojom ribicom, tako sam odahnula i nije me više bilo strah. Napokon smo stigli i usidrili se na prekrasnom sprudu dravske obale. Odabrali  smo stratešku poziciju za naš roštilj i boravak u divljini. Bio je zaista lijepi i sunčani dan. Zauzela sam odmah jedno mjesto na panju gdje sam se izvalila kao zmija hvatajući sunčeve zrake i uživajući u toplini. Stavili smo hladiti vino i pivo u vodu, s namjerom da ga konzumiramo poslije dobroga roštilja.
 Stvari smo odložili na sprud, za suho granje nismo se trebali previše mučiti jer ga ima posvuda, za to se već prije pobrinula rijeka. Pokrenuli smo roštilj i napravili ručak od ribljih delicija i domaćih kobasica, koje je Stane savršeno napravio. Ribe je prethodno nalovila ekipa u Dravi, te ih je brat pripremio na poseban način, ima svoj tajni recept. Meni nije nikada uspjelo da tako fino pripremim ribu. Opće poznata stvar je da, muškarci bolje kuhaju, a žene bolje pričaju i ljube, mada nije niti to baš istina. Neki su savršeni i u tome. Nisam baš nešto probala, ali ono što jesam, zasigurno mogu to potvrditi ( jedan/vrijedan).
Uhvatili smo dosta sunca, nauživali se u delicijama s roštilja, i dobroga vina, pive i onoga 'vatrenoga'. Družili smo se sa labudovima koji su nas nadgledali i pitali se, koja su to Nemani i čudovišta približila se njihovom staništu. Komarci su postali nesnosni, sunce je počelo hvatati horizont prema zalasku, a mi smo polako počeli spremati svoje stvari u čamac, dobro raspoloženi nadali se sretnom povratku na drugu obalu.

Krenuli smo iz divljine u kojoj caruju labudovi, srne i još mnogo drugih divljih životinja u neki drugi konvencionalan svijet. Pomislih kako je zagonetna ta priroda odnosno divljina po noći, te se nikad tu ne može biti sasvim siguran, a da nećeš nešto neočekivano sresti. Odjedom se začuo neki topot, naježila sam se i javilo mi se stotinu upitnika u glavi, što se događa? Kada sam se malo sabrala, vidjela sam da krdo srna dolazi napiti se vode iz Drave. Pomislih, konačno imam priliku sresti dravsku neman. Bilo ih je nekoliko!

Nažalost, morali smo krenuti. Staro je pravilo da se vodostaj digne kako dan odmiče. Vožnja po Dravi je prošla savršeno, niti jedna neman nije nam se okvačila za čamac. Imali smo sreće. Bila sam veoma ponosna što mi se pružila prilika da se vozim Dravom u motornom čamcu, a zamislite po niskom vodostaju. Te nastale turbolencije su bile zapravo leđa dravskih nemani i čudovišta koja su se pritajila na dnu. Razmišljam da si tamo sagradim neku zemunicu ili kučicu na drvenim balvanima sa okrenutom terasom prema vodi i labudovima. Te tako da postanem stanovnikom dravske divljine u kojoj ću moći komunicirati samo sa divljim životinjama, labudovima, ribama i dravskim nemanima ili čudovištima. Možda se pojavi i poneki ved...!!

                                                                          by  me
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utorak, 27. travnja 2010.

Kruh naš svakidašnji

Domaći kruh od Podravkinog brašna
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Više puta ne razmišljamo što zapravo jedemo ili što je sadržano u namirnicama koje su sastavni dio naše prehrane. Nedugo sam došla do jedne spoznaje i strašno sam se začudila kako neki trgovci prodaju nekvaliteno brašno iz kojega se ne može ispeći kruh niti pecivo. Radi se zapravo o Mlinu iz Drnja koji distribuira 'stočno brašno' pod konzumno. Moji roditelji žive na selu, te u dugogodišnjoj praksi mijenjaju urod pšenice za brašno ili kupe u obližnjem mlinu. S tim mlinom nije bilo nekih značajnih problema do unatrag godinu ili dvije. Nitko od mještana nije se usudio ili imao volje javno progovoriti o spornom brašnu. Upravo sam ja tome odlučila stati na kraj i neću dopustiti takvima i inima poduzetnicima da truju ljude sa spornim brašnom, na kojemu nema niti markice niti deklaracije. To je čisti posao za državni inspektorat. Kazne za takve 'majstore' su od 1000 do 50.000 tisuća kuna. Sporno brašno dala sam na analizu u labaratorij za kontrolu kvalitete u Podravku, te izvjestila neke nadležne institucije. Slučaj o tome dala sam objaviti i u Podravskom listu. Članak je objavljen u ponedjeljak i može se pročitati u spomenutim novinama. Nastavak priče objavit ćemo kada nalazi iz labaratorija budu gotovi. Naime šokirala me činjenica da je vlasnica mlina u svojoj izjavi novinarima, dala do znanja da je to zapravo stočno brašno, što se lijepo da isčitati između redaka njezine izjave.
domaći kruh od brašna iz Drnjanskog mlina

Povod tome da se objavi priča o brašnu sumnjive kvalitete je kruh koji kada se ispekao sličio je na sve drugo samo ne na kruh. Korica mu je i bila donekle jestiva, a jezgra je bila gnjecava i pretvarala se u tekuće stanje. Takav kruh u životu nisam vidjela. Pitam se što zapravo jedemo. Moja mama nije uopće htjela povjerovati da se radi o brašnu sumnjive kvalitete, već je željela pokriviti svoju peć, što je zaista smiješno. Da bih je razuvjerila, kupila sam Podravkino brašno iz kojega je ispekla kruh. Naravno rezultati nisu izostali. Kruh je savršeno ispao iz visokokvalitetnog brašna. Naime, Podravka provodi stalne kontrole kvalitete u svojim labaratorijima, tako da joj ništa ne može promaći, a rezultati su neizostavni. Nabolji kruh i peciva bez aditiva i drugih sumnjivih primjesa je kruh iz Podravkine pekare i tu nikada nećete pogriješiti ako kupite pdravkin kruh i brašno.


ponedjeljak, 26. travnja 2010.

A big gathering of Cool

At Podravka Štagelj gastronomic center of the Sabbath on 2 large gathering of Koprivnica Cool website users Coolinarika.com which is a unique example in the Croatian web space, and beyond. Coolinarika.com since 2006. became a social network, which today has more than 39,000 users worldwide. Food, fun and socializing at AOL in 2007. The lead users to the idea of meeting "live". By this, the now traditional meeting Coolinarika users were more than 20 major meetings Cool in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Canada, Australia, Germany and Sweden. Today's meeting was attended by about 100 users from the Croatian, Serbian, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia and Austria.  Do not belong to people who do not know how to transfer experiences on paper, but it really is not the case when it comes to this event. How to explain the feeling when you live for the first time saw a friend with whom you shared so many intimate moments, and that never before have not met? AOL is not just an internet site that improves the quality of his followers in the culinary sense, this is where I learned a lot of culinary secrets, which is ultimately the reason why he can always go back. Each gathering was an unusual experience, proof that both the progressive technological development, people are still other people, not just virtual characters hidden behind their monitors. I just that I see the essence of existence Coolinarika and I look forward to every meeting you again, "said North, which is the gathering came from Tuzla. Sandra5 from Rivers told us it's cool to gather a memorable socializing and making wonderful friendships for life.  The excitement was great, and my heart. Beautiful organization Coolinarika, Podravka and all who were involved. We sincerely look forward to all future meetings Cool and everything AOL offers us. This meeting, like all other forms of content sharing between users on Coolinarika.com also create a feeling of emotional attachment and loyalty to the website and as a food company Podravka. Gathered users are able to participate in a cooking show, bingo and wine tasting, followed by lunch in the barn, they went to visit the Museum of eating and sightseeing, all with the inevitable topic of cooking, which it is anyway connected to the AOL website. com.

petak, 23. travnja 2010.

Exhibitions with the fifth International Day of the Drava

Exhibitions with the fifth International Day of the Drava

Today civilized society takes care of the promotion and development of environmental awareness, so that the stop 23 September for the fifth year in a row held honor Drava and its environment. These were presented to the public facilities that are related to the theme of fishing on the river Drava and tools which he performs the full title, "Traditional fishing on the Drava River."

In fact in today's environmental consciousness fishing is not exactly a popular activity and it intends to challenge a number of ways to prevent their catch of wild fish. The default theme that has dominated in the celebration of 5th Međunardnog the Drava 2005th younger generation wanted to show how we lovo fish on the Drava and Ješkovu our grandparents and how it was an important role in survival.

On this occasion, Town Museum and Gallery of Koprivnica organizers were several exhibitions and acquisitions related to water. So in place prekodravskom Gola, where the Drava and most waters in thear's gallery old school, and in the old rectory, set j miniature exhibition on the subject.
The exhibition is organized in the gallery Koprivnica museum where are exposed to medium format images, and fishing and fishing accessories. Foreword to the catalog was written by curator and director of galleries and museums Draženka Jalšić Ernečić, and in an exhibition on environmental awareness and conservation of nature spoke to members of the City Council Helena Hecimovic For these exhibitions included painters and sculptors, fine arts section Podravka 72nd.

četvrtak, 22. travnja 2010.

Performance Volvo C30 comes with a 411 hp

 4 Wheel Parts Tires & Wheels
Performance Volvo C30 comes with a 411 hp

The market will soon be selling peppery Volvo C30 with 411 hp and 510 Nm of torque, whose processing company signed polestar Performance, and the behind-the STCC. It is a legal road model modified along the lines of race C30.
Polestar Performance, the team behind a STCC (Swedish Touring Car Championship), he published the first photo of car Volvo C30 Performance Concept. It is a road legal peppermint C30 will be available in sales and played in Sweden at the Motor Show in Gothenburg, and which connects a standard C30 with the racing and performance products business polestar, which is evident from the design of the aerodynamic package. Under the hood of this spicy C30 is well-known 2.5-liter T5 turbo diesel engine 411 hp (302 kW) and 510 Nm of maximum torque. By comparison, a standard Volvo C30 T5 has 230 hp (169 kW) and 320 Nm of torque. Modifications include a larger intercooler, 26 turbo KKK, custom pistons and crankshaft, Haldex AWD drive, Öhlins springs and shock absorbers and Brembo brakes.

 4 Wheel Parts Tires & Wheels

Pogled u pakao – sunčeve eksplozije

Sunčeve ekspolozije proizvode fascinantne slike. Često surfam Internetom i gotovo uvijek navraćam na stranice NASE, američke znanstvene organizacije za istraživanje Svemira i satelitska naviganja. Upravo sam naišla na fascinantne i zadivljujuće snimke. Radi se o nizu eksplozija na najvećoj nam i nabližoj svemirskoj zvijezdi Suncu. Ponekad ga volim promatrati pomoću teleskopa iz maimnog vrta, a najljepši prizor pruža se u predvečerje kada je nebo vedro i bez vjetra. Tada naslonim teleskop na ogradu i uperim objektiv prema suncu, koje zalazi. Snimke su često toliko dojmljive i uzbudljive, te mi ponekad ulijevaju strah, i ne mogu me ostaviti ravnodušnom. Uvijek me obuzima nelagoda i taj osjećaj kada namještam teleskop, da pogledom ne uhvatim nešto neobično, što baš i ne bi željela. Sličnu sliku koju sam skinula sa Nasine stranice, ali mnogo manju često puta vidjela sam preko okna svog teleskopa. Bio je to prizor koji mi je ulijevo strah u kosti. Imala sam osjećaj da se nalazim vrlo blizu sunce, te me gotovo uvijek obuzimao određeni strah, zbog slika koje će mi se možda prikazati. Skoro uvijek, kada se pogleda u sunce mogu se zamjetiti neka treperenje plamenih i vrućih zraka kako obuhvaćaju vatrenu kuglu. Doima se osjećaj blizine Pakla. Zapravo takav događaj je upravo ono što sam imala priliku vidjeti na slikama koje se nalaze na Nasinim stranicama, a koje su me posebno oduševile, zainteresirale i dale mi osjećaj strahopoštovanja. Gledajući satelitske snimke, imala sam dojam da sam negdje u blizini Sunca na nekom svemirskom brodu. Naravno, snimke koje su napravljene vrhunskom tehnologijom, savršene su, precizne, i djeluje veoma stvarno, fascinantno i začuđujuće. Naime, kada sam pogledala snimke, prvo što sam pomislila je to, da sam ugledala sliku pakla, sjetivši se bakinih priča iz djetinstva. Međutim, kada sam malo bolje pogledala, vidjela sam da se tu događa nešto strašno i da je to još gore od pakla. Kada sam pročitala tekst koji je objavila Nasa na svojim stranicama, saznala sam da se radi o sunčevim eksplozijama velikih razmjera. Naime, solarne aktivnosti imaju snažan utjecaj na naš planet. Goleme erupcije nabijenih čestica i emisije snažnog zračenja mogu ugroziti satelite, komunikacije, energetske sustave te zdravlje astronauta koji se nalaze u svemiru. Prve objavljene snimke pokazuju goleme erupcije plinova, a znanstvenici se nadaju da će velika rezolucija u kojoj njezina četiri teleskopa rade omogućiti bolje razumijevanje sunčevih aktivnosti. NASA-ina svemirska promatračnica Solar Dinamic Observatory snimila je zadivljujući video zapis eksplozija koje se odvijaju na Suncu.Satelit je lansiran u veljači na raketi Atlas iz Cape Canaverala na Floridi i trebao bi biti u funkciji najmanje pet godina. Za to vrijeme stručnjaci bi mogli otkriti nove metode za predviđanje djelovanja Sunca na zbivanja na Zemlji. Tim koji radi sa SDO-om zapanjen je fotografijama. Kada vide ove fantastične snimke čak i tvrdokorne solarne fizičare doslovno preplavi strahopoštovanje – rekao je Lika Guhathakura iz NASA-e. Promatračnica je opremljena s tri instrumenta kojima istražuje fiziku unutar Sunca, na njegovoj površini i u atmosferi. Budući da je naoružan kamerama 10 puta veće rezolucije od televizijskih kamera visoke definicije, može zabilježiti relativno malene objekte veličine 350 km. Instrumenti rade na različitim valnim duljinama tako da znanstvenici mogu proučavati atmosferu naše zvijezde sloj za slojem. Ipak, najvažniji zadatak bit će istraživanje unutarnjeg dinama Sunca, duboke strukture struja plazme koje pokreću eksplozije sunčevih magnetskih polja.
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srijeda, 21. travnja 2010.

Collision of Titanium

Ultimate struggle for power will face the people against the king, a king against the gods. But just the battle between the gods could destroy the whole world. Born as a god, but raised as a man, Perseus (Worthington) was unable to save his family from Hades (Fiennes), vengeful god of the underworld. As more has nothing to lose, Perseus became a volunteer leader of the dangerous missions against Hades before he attempts to take power from Zeus (Neeson) and literally opened hell on Earth. Leading a group of daring warriors, Perseus embark on a dangerous journey deep into the forbidden worlds. Fighting against the wicked demons and unwavering beast, the only way you can survive is to accept their power of God, to confront his own destiny and create your own. The movie "Crash Titan" ultimate struggle for power will face the people against the king, a king against the gods. But just the battle between the gods could destroy the whole world. Born as a god, but raised as a man, Perseus was unable to save his family from Hades, vengeful god of the underworld. As more has nothing to lose, Perseus became a volunteer leader of the dangerous missions against Hades before he attempts to take power from Zeus and literally opened hell on Earth. Leading a group of daring warriors, Perseus embark on a dangerous journey deep into the forbidden worlds. Fighting against the wicked demons and unwavering beast, the only way you can survive is to accept their power of God, to confront his own destiny and create your own. Cast: Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Sam Worthington, Pete Postlethwaite.
Director: Louis Leterr

utorak, 20. travnja 2010.

Very important day to me

That Sunday I woke up the message that arrived on my mobile phone, and this early morning at 3.27. Contents me especially happy. I wake up, rubbed his eyes and see that the message from my first and most important person in the world that you love most. I have three people in the world that I love most, and the fourth is like. I continued to sleep, because I did not have the strength to respond, and I thought that she sleeps, so I left the job for later. I woke up somewhere at 10:10, when I heard the wonderful messages and other content. I thought, as he has already time to get up, drink espresso coffee, which I adore. Specially I sleepyheads especially on weekends, I love you please lying and relaxing in bed. And my first steps in the water in my miniature kitchenette where you cook the first machine, then followed a morning ritual. Then I go or in the nature or love to cook lunch and something to their liking. Since I am by definition semi-vegetarian I do not like to eat anything. Mostly I go to the market or grocery store of Koprivnica known where you buy lots of fruits and vegetables. Fish is my main foods in my diet, and sometimes eat chicken. But I was in first place in the diet vegetables. For dessert I love my mom's cakes and any kind of any kind, I love them all. When no maminih mostly eat cake for dessert and always, at any time, mix the seeds of walnuts, peanuts, raisins, chocolate. It makes me extremely energy. I've been talking something about food.

After I drank my coffee late morning, I went to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair because I had the previous day in the village, walked everywhere and I ran across a meadow and the woods and picked up so many scents, and smell. I watched movies late into the night with my favorite actor, Al Pacino, who never misses.

My phone was constantly ringing me and the messages are well accumulated. I was happy that day because I was lavish care of all those who care about me and it really cheered me. I'm not occurred smao a person to whom I have a computer that we can contact, and forgotten me, which I did not quite understand why .... impose my question is, why people behave as if they love and emotion found on the road. So something happens only once in a lifetime and never again. Feel sorry for them because they can not understand what kind of damage you do for life.
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petak, 16. travnja 2010.

She kissed it with a priest?

Intriguing is the question. How? Why, in the head creates confusion and anxiety. It was not simply a situation or occurrence. Fuck all bursting flower eroticism, and everything is burstingof color and fragrance. Gray cells are overlaid and we were attacked by violent color and fragrance cvijetnog so inspired to create emotions and eros, which springs up in every human being. Normal is a phenomenon, especially in spring, when everything was new, and the gray is starting to turn into color. Fantasy colors will continue in us and be uneasy. So everything begins anew each year. I always hoped for a better and more beautiful enjoyment in life. Passing next to so many people that have gathered around the church, to attend the Christian rite of the Mass to the great feast, as befits any normal Christian. Bells are sounded, they all went to church. The first is certainly entered a priest. It was the right crowd everywhere. The sun's rays are beating us in the head. We had to remove sunglasses. And then it was even worse. Nothing we have seen from the strong sun and glare. Pushing slowly and expect to climb the stairs in front of the door so that as soon entered the church and address the discomfort and tingling in his eyes. Go through a small passage, so that before came to their positions in the church, and rushed across, and then came the shock. See a nice young peasant woman, beautifully and appropriately trained and priest secretly love, regardless of the passers-Christians. Whether I was ashamed that I fell into that scene. It would not be so surprising that even the priest was dressed in his ceremonial garments decorated with flowers and gold, and behind the back of his big shining golden cross, as a characteristic of Christianity. I thought that I attended the great sin that I did not see trebal. All the colors of my eyes have disappeared, and was created drab. Flowers will no longer have their own color, but it became pale. That window is always chasing me, then it dawned on me something else. They started me line up the questions and answers. I thought that priests not love with women, but only men. But not so. I came to the conclusion that the single for the holidays and special occasions are normally kiss was with whom. The main purposes.

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srijeda, 14. travnja 2010.

Performance Podravka writer in Pivnica Kralus

Traditionally, every Tuesday of the month, will be held an evening of poetry and music Pivnica Kralus. Pub as the main host, and this time, opened its doors for those who like to relax with lyrics and music, and spend pleasant moments in the company of poets and good company.
Participants in the evening were literati KUD Podravka, which we enhance your evening of verse and music. Cultural Event held on 13 April, and featured members: Milica Pocza, Katica Popijac Rajic, Marica Ferlindes, Nada Vrban, Katherine Svabek and Domagoj Svabek. The musical part of the program he participated Ivo Smith Kaj, playing their songs on the guitar that I set to music. Milica Pocza is the author of poems that were recited in the aforementioned evening, temaitka related mainly to the stories and experiences from life in general. Socializing continued so until late in the evening with good music, drinks and songs. This is not the end, the continuation of these and similar activities are expected for the month. Until then we will think and remember the nice impressions experienced on the evening of poetry and music in the pub Kralus.

South Park nice guys with no hair on his tongue

South Park nice guys with no hair on his tongue. My favorite cartoon, I do not know how to make war with everyone? Sharp and no hair on his tongue Cartman, and other of his friends take us to the cruel real world, and society to which we ready to look into your eyes? Why, because I think that everything that happens around us is disgusting and no connections. Just not so. Hademo seen virtual reality and have fun attention them. They are in fact 'ambassadors of evil' and creators of many of the controversial story of human society in reality. These actors and victims of unfortunate events. How would we approached the whole situation, speak openly about all the controversial topics, in a subtle and comedic way. For why should we fear something we never tired of thinking that follows is evil for us. Catch a better ring to it. The boys of South Park tell us about events immoral Pope church, pedophilia, fucking asshole, snakes, crocodiles, vampires, the cleaning lady who has big teeth and frighten children. Stone and Parker admitted that many stars because of work pressures, a joke on their behalf, now available 'threat' and the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad in the series. South Parkovci already before the publication of controversial Danish cartoons of Muhammad show, in the episode "Best Friends Forever" in which Jesus is my friends and helpers. Tate 'South Park' say they are not subject to censorship, so we can expect more of their controversial cartoons.

utorak, 13. travnja 2010.

Mouse in the backpack

This is an unusual and interesting events, which we have to tell. One fine spring day when everything smelled of fresh dew, flowering plants and trees, and the smell izoranih gardens and agricultural land, the famous morning we set as part of the historical society to wander our beautiful Croatian and visit a part of Karlovac and Zagreb areas that wealth of beauty of old indigenous wooden houses as for instance in Cibuku, where the chimney is located at each race with the occasional svojoom England family. By the way, we met Grandma Rose and the oldest inhabitants of Karlovac region, who lives in a rustic romantic cottage, is actually a real house on the floor, not just any.
It is protected and belongs to the Croatian cultural heritage. Grandma Rose is without her husband for herself, and the red cheeks and brilliant concentration it serves to speakig with as perfectly and gives the impression of a healthy huderd woman. All about her flowers, roses that climb on the roof and wooden houses. Rode around are everywhere, and the chimneys, it is otherwise known place Cibuk which is named after the dugonogoj crnobijelog bird feathers. I forgot to mention that our team as part of the Historical Society had a super guide Koprivnica, a beautiful young man, full of knowledge, and the stunt. The young teacher-guide for all who are struggling agencies. After Karlovac time we read on, starting with the Croatian Zagorje. Following the visit of several abandoned palaces of the former aristocrats, millionaires and gentlemen, we went to visit some of the flag of the church. The most interesting is the one in the Croatian Zagorje Belec, and it was actually the icing on the cake. In this story the lead role had a mouse, yes, you've heard little inhabitant of all places. We found them a lot in the church. Know what they are doing there, and the very theory of the church mice to me that does not fit. And there should be room for such reasons. Enter in  to church, guide her grat backpack with sandwiches and food left outside on a bench outside the church.

Mouse is scented and realized kak is a good time to feast on. By chance I noticed that it was hurriedly rushed the guide's backpack, and I had to give, but I just remembered when we boarded the bus. After the end of what I told the truth about mouse, created a real panic and scream and you can not imagine how they behaved when the historians of our dear guide reverse backpack and drove muscle .. caused a general panic, and all bags are then became the initial target and a home for church mouse. In whose house is finished and whose cat omastio mustache, I learned.
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ponedjeljak, 12. travnja 2010.

Theft to a sophisticated manner

And Saturday I thought a little more sleep, since the end of another stressful work week. But in the morning I woke up at the sound of messages from mobile phones, thinking appears to me one of my friends from vacation, I look and I was immediately clear to me is the message received from T-Mobile, with the intent to me reported that they had a card 10.00 kn removed in favor of options''free''message. The day before, reported me saying that I stand reactivation 10.00 kn, thinking that we would do without my consent, I did not attempted to make a deactivation, which we have not offered. Before they do they should have noted the contents of the message''if you want ?''... but they did not, but we drznički like a skilled thief took 10.00 kn from the card. Very, nasilono, unethical and immorality. Such is their business policies, and not only. Unfortunately I am not the only victim, where they are made and assembled so bulky that the money you will be able to create financial support, in these times of recession. I wonder what the consumer and how they will cope in this situation that has befallen our economy. The answer we are offered by itself and you already know and sparrows, that all will catch up to the end user, how, how, and how long nobody knows. A few years ago I canceled a T-mobile subscription, so that alone could be controlled vlasitu consumption. Thinking that I finally came into its own, and that my expenses in line with consumption, just a mistake. Today's advances in technology and knowledge gave the dispatcher the ability to use it for profit to one unpopular and nentičan way with that today we encounter at every step. Every day we find a multitude of irregularities in the business sphere, which leads to immorality and neetike. We do not have enough relevant institutions would all be iskontrolirati and that such a business, and mostly put an end to.

petak, 9. travnja 2010.

She's Out of My League

She's Out of My League

Kirk works as a security administrator at the airport and in life there are very few goals the most important being his attempt to return to his former girlfriend Marnie unbearable. However, he soon meets a smart, sexy and charming young girl, Molly, and surprise environment and himself, starts with her connection. Initially, the excitement soon turns into pure panic for his own insecurities and the pressure of friends and family who threaten to destroy his perfect relationship ... A romantic comedy about an ordinary guy who finds the perfect girl, but it all say: 'She's too good for you!

Critics agreed that the film is not classic, but part of the critics pointed out that the director has achieved what many prominent filmmakers have failed, and made a solid romantic comedy. It is emphasized that the film has plenty of 'vulgar humor and lascivious joke', but also the 'sweet, charming and hilarious love story. " Cast: Alice Eve, Jay Baruchel, Krysten Ritter, Mike Vogel, Lindsay Sloane